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Sill public adjusters help property manager recover from burst pipes in two locations

Sill public adjusters helped a Minnesota property management firm recover after burst pipes led to flooding at two different locations. See how a public adjuster can help your business recover after disaster.

When to hire a public adjuster, insurance claim advice

A public adjuster is an insurance claims expert who can help a property owner with a damage insurance claim. Find out how a public adjuster can help to settle your claim much faster than you will on your own.…

Alberta Central

For Alberta Central of Portland, Oregon, one particular July 4th was no day for celebration. A stray flare from an Independence Day fireworks display landed on the roof of the retail center that Alberta Central had recently re-purposed with re-cycled and re-usable materials causing a major fire.…

What Living Expenses Can I Recover from the Insurance Company?

A fire severely damaged your home compelling you to move out while it is being repaired. You gather a few salvageable necessities and vacate the premises expecting your insurance policy to cover living expenses. Your insurance company says, “not so fast, buster” and directs you to the small print in the policy. Uh oh, you weren’t prepared for loopholes.…