Lincolnwood, Illinois
As stated most succinctly by our client, “It all started in the middle of the night. The fire began when nobody was around. A phone call from the fire department and your business is up in smoke.” So began the saga of Myron & Phil’s Steakhouse, a family owned institution in Lincolnwood, Illinois which had served Chicago’s best steaks for nearly 40 years and now in need of recovering from a major fire.
Similar to many fire losses, restoration company contractors quickly swarmed Myron & Phil’s owners. Upon referral, Myron & Phil’s met with the Chicago office of the Alex N. Sill Company, North America’s leading public insurance claims adjuster and loss consultant. Myron & Phil’s was immediately at ease, ensured by Sill about what its team of professionals could and would accomplish. Myron & Phil’s retained Sill to adjust the loss. The Sill team of in-house professionals was led by a former “captive” insurance company adjuster, a 46-year veteran building estimator and a 33-year contents estimator. An in-house forensic accountant responsible for calculating the business income loss and an in-house attorney responsible for evaluating the policy provisions rounding out the team.
The result was a seven-figure settlement for the insured, an amount far in excess of what the insurer had preliminarily proposed.
As further summarized by the restaurant’s owners:
“How does one read the insurance policies, interpret what they really mean as far as a fire loss is concerned, how does the whole process begin?
“[The] team from Alex Sill Company, [the] professionalism, the emotional handling of the situation, and dealing with the devastation of the items of inventory were handled above and beyond the call of duty. The negotiations with the insurance agent were professional yet firm. We always felt as though he had a personal investment in our business to make everything right and just . . . We highly recommend [the Sill Company] to those of us who do not have the knowledge of how to negotiate the insurance claim process and how to maximize your claim and minimize your loss.”
Mark & Ellie Freedman, Owners