If a hurricane slams into your business, you are most likely going to be dealing with your insurance company. One of the best choices you can make is to call our team here at Sill for help throughout the insurance claim process.
We are the leading public adjusting firm in North America, and we can handle your claim for you and let you know what you are entitled to as far as coverage each step of the way.
First, we can provide an expert review of your current policy from one of our licensed insurance professionals. We will identify all coverages in your policy and ensure that your insurance provider pays for everything they are responsible for.
By hiring Sill, you are forming your own team that represents your best interests in the claim. Our property damage experts can inspect every inch of your business and put together a complete damage report for your claim. This will include damage to the building and all contents inside that should be covered under your policy.
If you have business interruption coverage, we also have forensic accountants that can help you recover any lost revenue as a result of the storm.
When you work with Sill you are leveling the playing field, bringing in experts who will negotiate directly with your insurance company. If your business is affected by a hurricane, you can contact Sill 24/7 by calling 844-650-SILL.