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Christmas tree and holiday candle fire safety tips

Holiday decorations are on display at homes and businesses throughout the country, which means the risk of fire has gone up. Whether you have candles, holiday lights, or a Christmas tree is is important to take the necessary precautions to prevent fire from damaging or destroying your property.

Tornado damage? Hire Sill public adjusters for help with your claim

A tornado is devastating for property owners. They are fast moving, violent storms that leave significant damage in their wake. According to the National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, close to 1,200 tornadoes impact the United States each year.…

Sill led one of the largest hurricane loss claims in history

The 2020 hurricane season has proven to be among the most active in history, with more than 25 named storm systems, and a dozen hurricanes. The gulf region has taken the brunt of the damage with multiple storms making landfall. As storms batter the southeastern region of the United States public adjusters continue to work to represent property owners faced with the challenge of recovering.…

Smoke damage? You still have an insurance loss claim after wildfires

Wildfires have damaged or destroyed hundreds of homes in Colorado over the past several days. The devastation is widespread as hundreds of thousands of acres have burned. While fire damage is the most visible, smoke damage can also make your home uninhabitable.…

Sill's team helps restaurant owner recover after fire

Sill handles all types of loss claims for any business. In October of 2019 an electrical fire caused significant damage to the Mississippi Belle restaurant in Indianapolis The fire happened overnight so fortunately nobody was injured. Jay Wilson, the owner was now facing his first insurance loss claim since opening the restaurant 20 years earlier.…