Sill has worked on insurance claims caused by vandalism
Sill has helped property owners settle vandalism insurance claims. If your property was damaged during a riot, or vandals we can help you recover much faster.
Vandalism damage updates
Typically, most of my friends regard our business, insurance claims management on behalf of insureds, with resounding disinterest at best. My “day at the office” is generally low on the list of topics brightening a Saturday evening with friends and often simply disregarded altogether.
We received such positive feedback from readers of our first “war story” described in the August 2, 2018 BLOG (Good Guys Win the Battle: A Recent Property Insurance Settlement War Story), we decided to follow that one with another report from the trenches on a timely topic. However, as the issue we are about to describe is a current matter, we are characterizing it conceptually as a paradoxical insurance coverage issue rather than an existing claim.
Sill is the largest and most experienced public adjusting firm in North America.
How We Can Help

What is a public adjuster?

5 things to do if your property is damaged by a tornado