Business Interruption Insurance Claims
Sill has a team of business interruption claim experts that can save your business from failing after any disaster. Our team can help you recoup any lost revenue, continue payroll, and lead your recovery plan.
Sill is one of only a few public adjusting firms that can also offer business interruption claim support. If your business has suffered any type of loss contact Sill right away to get help when filing a business interruption claim.
Business interruption updates
If you own a business, you could be targeted by a new threat in the digital age. Cyber-attacks continue to evolve, meaning it is essential to protect your business against a financial loss that could come through your computer or email.
A hotel operator based in New Hampshire won a Covid-19 business interruption insurance claim lawsuit.
My email inbox fills up too quickly each day with inquiries from clients and former clients concerning whether they have Business Interruption coverage for the economic losses that they are currently incurring as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
VIDEO: Business Interruption Insurance, what is it?
Business interruption is a type of coverage that is critical for your business. It is a type of coverage that protects your company against the loss of revenue you may face after a hurricane or any other type of disaster.
Here at Sill, we have a team of forensic accountants working with you to figure out how much revenue you are losing each day your business is not fully operational. Our team has helped hundreds of business owners like you recoup those funds, and it has proven critical in helping those businesses survive.
How We Can Help

What is a public adjuster?

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