Almost 100 Years in Business

The Alex N. Sill Company was founded in Cleveland, Ohio.

Michael Perlmuter named CEO & General Counsel

Sill led one of the largest loss claims in history after Hurricane Michael slammed into Florida.
The storm caused $90,000,000 in damage to multiple apartment communities owned by Arbor Properties.

National Fire Adjustment in Toronto, Ontario, became a member of the Sill Adjusting Group in January of 2021, creating the largest and most experienced public adjusting company in North America.
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Our team of licensed public adjusters are ready to help you with your property insurance claim today.
Sill is the largest and most experienced public adjusting firm in North America with more than 30 office locations.
Hear from our clients
Our Sill team was led by Mike Hickle, Vice President of Field Operations, whose exemplary leadership skills were invaluable in patiently guiding us through a complex and painful process that resulted in a hard fought settlement that clearly exceeded what we would have achieved on our own.
Bryan C. Christmas, Treasurer
Shaker Heights City School District
I think most people would be surprised to know that the insurance company hires experts to prepare the claim for them. Although . . . they claim to be 'independent,' they are not. Without your involvement we would have had to negotiate with these experts on our own. The result would have been disastrous.
Sill ultimately recovered an amount almost three times the amount their experts wanted us to settle for. I would advise anyone with a major claim like ours to hire the Sill Company. We did and it made all the difference.
Champak Shah, Partner
Holiday Inn Express & Suites, Heath, Ohio
Without the benefits of your firm's expertise and professional employees we, DePauw University, would not have been able to have reached a fair settlement of recovering the values of our building and content.
Richard A. Shuck - Director of Business Service
DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
Once again, I have the opportunity to express my appreciation for the excellent representation of you and Alex N. Sill Company. There is no doubt in our mind that we made the right choice in selecting Alex N. Sill; and that you are a credit the industry.
Gerald B. Shreiber, President
J & J Snack Foods Corporation, Pennsauken, New Jersey